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by !rock
pattern: theinspirationgallery
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

i'm in the i-need-to-rant mood pfft

there's IDMI week starting just tmr, ending on the next thurs.
ok fine. so that's one week for us to concentrate on the proj, no?


on top of that, we have to bloody study for THREE TESTS/QUIZ (maths/macbeth/bio)

so what if we are in the IP, and we're supposed to be able to handle loads of hw.
bullshit. others may be superhumans, but i'm definitely not.

and it seems like we're a term behind in the maths syllabus. is it our fault that the education system feels the need to enrich us so much that we're learning advanced stuff? and thus, there's more information to cram into our already overloaded brain?

i'm not saying that the stuff we learn is useless, and i cant say it's the teachers' fault for having to teach so much, but it's all TOO MUCH, TOO SOON.

i suppose i dont have the right to complain, cos i'm not as hardworking as the rest, but whatever. i just feel that there's too much that the education system is trying to cram into a year's syllabus for us to really understand and absorb the knowledge.
going by the rate that the authorities in charge are adding on advanced topics to subjects, it won't be long before the year 1s are learning year 4 stuff.

what's the point? does learning those advanced topics make us more intelligent, more capable than the rest?

bah. it's just mindless whining because i'm feeling stressed.
